streda 19. decembra 2012

3...2...1... ACTION! + news and new in

On Monday I, my roommate and my classmates were in Bratislava, because we were acting in new Slovak series Day and Night. We were acting like we were having fun on a disco and my role was to refuse very cute guy (it was really difficult) :D. Than I was only dancing and drinking in a bar. I got only 10 € for that, but at least I gained new experiences. Than don´t forget to watch me :) I will be in the 14th episode :). I don´t have any pictures from shooting, because we couldn´t took pictures. 

But lower you can see what happens when I and my roommate is having fun :). Than my blanket is very useful :D. 

Oh and I almost forgot... I started and cooperation with Rings and Tings and they are offering 10 % sale on their stuff for my bloggers :). You just have to enter code:stylecard10 in checkout :). 

V pondelok ja, moja spolubývajúca a moje spolužiačky sme boli v Bratislave, pretože sme si zahrali v novom slovenskom seriáli Deň a Noc. Hrali sme zábavu na diskotéke a mojou úlohou bolo odmietnuť veľmi zlatého chalana (bolo to fakt ťažké) :D. Potom som len tancovala a popíjala v bare. Dostala som za to len 10 €, ale aspoň som získala nové skúsenosti. Potom ma nezabudnite pozerať :) Budem v 14. časti :). Nemám žiadne fotky z natáčania, pretože sme nemohli fotiť. 

Nižšie môžte vidieť čo sa stane keď sa so spolubývajúcou zabávame :). Potom je moja deka veľmi užitočná :D.

Oh skoro som zabudla... začala som spolupracovať s Rings and Tings a ponúkajú 10% zľavu na ich veci pre mojich blogerov :). Stačí keď zadáte pri platení kód: stylecard10 :). 

My roommate Lucka with my blanket and slippers :D / Moja spolubývajúca Lucka s mojou dekou a papučami :D

My new earrings :) I was looking at them for quite a long time and now I bought them :) By the way, in F and F is 50% sale for jewelery :) these beauties were 7 € and now they are for 3,50 € :) / Moje nové náušnice :) Prezerala som si ich už dlhšiu dobu a teraz som si ich kúpila :) Mimochodm v F a F je 50% zľava na bižutériu :) tieto krásavice stáli 7 € a teraz stoja 3,50 € :)

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