nedeľa 19. augusta 2012

Amazing day with sunset :)

Yes, I know that I wrote that I will post you post about clothes that I ordered... but I´m somehow so lazy to photograph it :) but I wasn´t lazy to took "photoevening" with my friend, which she gladly did model for me, for that I thank her very much. :) You judge photos by yourselves, it is a summary of them made by me, because there were too many of them :)

Photographer, makeup and hair: Monika Svitačová (me :)

Model: Lucia Poláková

Áno, viem že som napísala, že pridám príspevok s oblečením ktoré som si objednala... no nejako som lenivá to odfotiť :) no hlavne že som nebola lenivá a urobila si taký "foto podvečer" s kamarátkou, ktorá mi ochotne robila modelku, za čo jej veľmi pekne ďakujem. :) Fotky posúďte sami, je to taký mnou vybraný "výcuc", pretože ich bolo veľmi veľa :) 

Fotografka, makeup a vlasy: Monika Svitačová (ja:)
Modelka: Lucia Poláková

I think the best photo :)/Myslím si že najlepšia fotka :)

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