sobota 1. septembra 2012

Happy birthday to me :)

Well... 20th birthday is here and my last big celebration with friends, because I refuse to get older :D My 20th birthday is on 4th of september, but I was celebrating with my friends yesterday on 31th of august. I will have another celebration with my family on 8th of september, where will be my cousin Michal (I´m very happy that he is coming). How are you celebrating your birhtday? 

Takže... 20. narodeniny sú tu a moja posledná veľká oslava s kamarátmi, pretože odmietam byť staršia :D Mám 20. narodeniny 4. septembra, no oslavovala som s kamarátmi včera, 31. augusta. Budem mať ďalšiu oslavu s rodinou 8. septembra, kde bude aj môj bratranec Michal (som veľmi rada že príde). Ako vy oslavujete narodeniny? 

Gifts from my friends :) a cup, magnet, beautiful earings, cocacola lipbalm, amazing  bracelet and  lace panties :) they also gave me deserts, alcohol, flowers and set of glasses :)
Darčeky od mojich kamarátov :) hrnček, magnetka, krásne náušnice, cocacola balzam na pery, úžasný náramok a šnurovacie nohavičky :) taktiež mi dali dezerty, alkohol, kvetiny a sadu pohárov :)
This is a gift from me to me :) When I saw this on Deni Veverička blog, it was love at first sigh :)
Toto je darček odo mňa pre mňa :) Keď som to uvidela na Deni Veverička blogu, bola to láska na prvý pohľad :)
And finally a little temptation :) Cake from my mom with rainbow rusks :)
A na záver malé pokušenie :) Torta od mojej maminky s dúhovými piškótami :)

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